Friday, August 13, 2010

Heather, Laura, Sarah, a firey combination!

Hey Blog!!! Today is day I think 8 of my cycle, at least it's the 8th day with NO BLEEDING! OMG YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I blend for 6 weeks, and finally stopped, Thank you Goddess!!!

It's is week four of month 2 and I'm not pregnant yet, but I am hopeful! :D

You know I bought a new car, today I went and paid another thousand dollars on it, so this week I have spent 2270 dollars on car related purcahses, teh car itself, 2k, the insurance down payment 250, and a car charger for me phone so I can use it as GPS on long trips, 20bucks.

Eugene will probably complain about the car charger part, but IDC I get lost so damn easily, and GPS drains my phones battery so quickly, I have to have a charger for it, up until; now I've gotten by with prayer lol, Luckily, now I don't have to anymore! *Squee*

Back t Baby Basics!!

My Cervical Mucus is creamy today, like really really creamy, like a nice expensive goatsmilk lotion lol, So in the next few day we will see baby making fluid!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been reading this blog, that Heather Linked me to And I love it! This woman is so inspirational :)

LOL favorite line to date " yep that's me, Potential Sperm Murderer" teeehehe I just laughed so hard!!!!

and that was also shared with me.. it was so beautiful

Heather and Laura, you both have been so wonderful in the ongoing inspiration in my life! Love you both a ton! Without you, I don't even know if I would be strong enough to deal with all the crap I'm going through.

Thank you ladies, for your love!!


  1. Love you back - you get what you give <3 - I like the new blog template! That song is pretty incrediable

  2. awww!! <3 Glad that we can mutually help each other in teh love department hehe, and thanks! I was just searching for a new backround and this was the one I liked the most, once I get pregnant I'm totally stealing that other pregnancy one.. if I can figure out how to do that LOL

    And You have no idea how much that song touched me, I cry every time I hear it, because it's true.

  3. can i get a tissue warning next time... please! My tank top is now soaked. Goddess that was beautiful!

    I can probably help with any blog alterations you want to make... i research boring shit like that in my "i should probably be doing something else" time :)

    yeah for no bleeding for Sarah... that's got to be a huge relief for your mind & body.

    I heart you too!
    Off to update my blog and then check out the link you posted.

  4. Oops! sorry I forgot a tears warning, but to be fair, I posted this on Facebook a few nights ago with the tissue warning LOL, going to go read your blog now <3

  5. That song just ripped open my heart. I think back to the 7 years I tried for Jax and my heart just opens up all over again. I thought about the pain and the anger. I was so angry at all the girls getting pregnant and I couldn't. I spent so much money and I gave up. I was told that there was no sense in continuing. One day my body made one perfect little egg all on it's own. my hubby and I were intimate almost in an act of consoling me because of the decision to give up. 3 weeks later I found out Jax was on his way. It is possible and I will be there every step of the way with you. *hugs and love*
    Your other sister

  6. Oh wow!! Thanks Misty!!! <3 <3 <3 I'm so happy to know you, and to know that your journey ended with such a perfect little man!@!! <3 <3 <3
