Tuesday, November 9, 2010

tired nauseous, tired, nauseous, tired, naseous.... when does it end?

So this week I've been exhausted, I know it's only tuesday night and I'm already crying for mercy I'm so tired I feel all out of whack. I hate that. I think it's the provera, and the provera also can cause nausea.

So I suppose that since I took my last pill tonight, I'll start getting better soon. My main hope is that I start my cycle soon, I mean a 70 day cycle is retarded.

So yeah, I think that if I'm able to start my cycle I'll feel sooooooooo much better.

It will hurt, hell it already hurts, but at least then it would be over, this 70 days of evil depression.

And then we can try again, I'm moving out of my depression though, starting to feel hopeful, this month could be our month!

I want Triplets! ;)

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