Wednesday, December 8, 2010

100th blog post O.O

So I'm pregnant :) I love saying that....

Anyways, it's not all that glamorous, I'm tired, I'm sick to my stomach, I'm crampy, my hair is limp, my skin is pale, I can't sleep when I need to, and I can barely stay awake when I am at work.

I need naps to get me through the days, I need extra sleep. It's really really hard on me right now.

I have been told that it will get better at month 3 or so, and I"m hoping that's the case! I'm so tired of being tired! O.O

I think I"m going to take a quick nap now... 20 minutes, even though I want 3 hours... 3 hours is a nap right? hahahahah

Have a beautiful day.

1 comment:

  1. i love hearing you say that too :)

    yes 3 hrs is a nap... at least in my book. i'm 3 months along and the yucky sick stuff is mostly gone. Still tired a lot more than i should be but it's totally understandable.

