Friday, September 24, 2010

inexplicably happy :)

Hey guys, I know my last posts have been kinda down in the dumps, you know with all the emotional ninjas and what not, but this emotional ninja can stay forever!!!

I sent Eugene and email at work last night, telling him that I was totally in the mood if he was, and he replied that we would see.. which usually means no... however I totally got woken up to the best sex I have ever had ( I know I say that alot, but it gets progressively better as time goes on :P)

it was amazing, and after wards, Eugene put the pillow under my butt ( that's the technique we use to make sure that the sperm get the optimum use out of gravity and gets to it's appointment like it's supposed to :P) for me.... he actually did it FOR ME... it was insane, and he told me not to move, or get up, and to just go to sleep , and that he loved me.... it was amazing.

So I woke up at about 12:45 with the wildest hair you could possibly imagine, and a goofy smile on my face... I can't seem to get it OFF my face and it's been 45 minutes! LOL

Having his support in this baby making Endeavor has made everything soooooooo much better, I can't even tell you, the sun is brighter, the clouds are more beautiful, the grass is greener, and the swaying in the grass is this side of heaven... hmmmmmmmmmm bursting with love and pride and appreciation makes the whole world seem better some how... :)

Dr's appointment on tuesday, Today is NOT thursday as I thought, it is actually friday! YIPEEEE! so that's exciting :D

and... I"m just happy... so freaking happy...

Really in 4 days I will find out if we are going to have a baby, and that is awesome in and of itself, but... well.. just today, this week.. this month really.. has been just what I thought it would be, Fall is bringing a season of JOY into my life, and I'm just trying to keep myself open for it! <3


  1. OMG! That is amazing! I am so glad that Eugene is openly and happily a part of the process. That is fantastic babe! I am so very happy for you and it put a big smile on my face. :)

  2. lol thank you so much Heather!!! Put a huge smile on my face too :) I'm so freaking lucky! WOOT!
