Saturday, July 2, 2011

Food and Exercise Diary Purchased.... I am so ready for this!

So Cigna ( My insurance) REquires me to go to my dr Monthly during a 6 month supervised diet, and get weighed and measured and show them my eating and exercise diary.... so I bought a great diary for it!

If any of you want to see my VLog you can head over there and look at my full body shot etc.

I've started Vlogging my journey as well. For now, because I don't actually HAVE any info from the dr it's just really generalized. And that's ok.\

I'll update this more later <3


  1. I don't have a youtube account, so I can't comment there, but that's a neat trick with the water in a soda can. I think it would freak my mouth out for a while, at least. Not drinking soda is hard at work, but it's something that I'm trying as well.


  2. I know it's TOUGH! lol I still drink my Diet Dr Pepper for now, but am trying pretty hard to get off of it, like this weekend when we went out instead of getting soda, I got tea, and I made myself a pitcher of decaf tea for home as well! <3

  3. Again commenting from the youtube video. I don't want to build muscle yet either, but I got a few tips from the personal trainers at 24 hour fitness. They said that lots of low weight reps builds lean muscle, which won't make you bulky, but will make you burn more calories resting than you did before. Getting that basic muscle tone, they said, was an important addition to the cardio. I've done pure cardio before, and didn't get much out of it, and truly believe that the bit of weights they made me do in my workout (two sets of 12 reps of really light 20-30lbs) has been what has helped me lose so much so fast. Just something to think about. :D I'd be glad to share the suggestions they gave me with you.
