Thursday, March 24, 2011

My sunshiny day

So today was a good day for me, I was out in the sunshine ( Yesterday too, but as I was at the animal shelter then it was tough) I got to go to joanns and get my secret weapon to cut the cost of quilting ( Will post about that farther down), Ate lunch by myself, was able to just quietly meditate on life and what's going on, and that was good.

Last night I made the comment to Eugene that I missed him and wanted to spend my lunch with him, he couldn't as he had a dinner with out boss to attend, so I was just feeling that I wouldn't get to see him at all. Instead, he surprised me! He stayed up waiting for me to get home, and then stayed up with me for over an hour, and we talked and giggled, it was lovely. :)

Today though was nice. Quiet, just me.

I woke up around noon, and got ready to go out for the day, ( Forgetting my mug and my lunch at home go me) My first stop? Joanns! I went to joanns and I got 18 yards of fabric ( Spent 108 bucks ouch!) But that's not the best part.... Sitting in my trunk right now is a bolt ( That's right 40 yards folks) Of Warm and Natural Batting, that I bought with a 50 % off coupon.. HELL YES!

So my 500 dollar( After taxes) Bolt of batting only cost me 259( after taxes) Talk about an exciting time for me!

Some of the ladies there saw all my fabric and asked what I was making, when I said quilts they gave me that look that older quilters often give me " Young person, you dn't know how to quilt, why don't you run along and let the adults play" Which I was able to silence when I had the extremely helpful joannes associate wheel out my ginormous boxobatting.... :) I do love making people drop their jaws. Teach them to judge a book by it's cover huh?!?! I may be young, and have unnaturally purple hair, but I have an addiction to quilting, and I don't think it's going away just because of my age lol.

so the batting is amazing, the fabric I got is just beautiful, and my lunch was wonderful!

I bought Eugene lunch too as he forgot his at home, but he's sick to his tummy, so he will take it home and eat it later.

I am happy with my purchases, even though I spent over 300 dollars ( EGADS THAT"S ALOT OF MONEY) Because I got two yards each of some very beautiful fabrics! I think that I need to post a picture of all the fabrics I have gotten in my stash, I update facebook with them, but I'll add them here too. :)

Not only all of those awesome things, but it seems that My Uncle's chemo is working! His tumors are shrinking! I'm so happy <3

I am out of break time for now, but you all know that I've had a good day, which I desperately needed after the toll this weekends loss took on me.

I hope everyone else has a wonderful day!


  1. Wow, I am so very happy to hear about your uncle! Although chemo sucks, and it's not for everyone, it's so awesome that it works for him. I will definitely keep sending positive thoughts!

    Eugene is full of surprises! It's freaking awesome that he waited up with you and that he's there for your when you need him most.

    Can't wait to see your next quilts!!!

  2. Thanks Barby! *hugs* I miss you, when are you coming to austin?
