Saturday, December 24, 2011

Just wouldn't be the holidays without some family drama would it?

So yeah Christmas this year was Canceled because my Husband can't stop fighting with his mother... Yep That's right, it's not my motherinlaw and I what ahve the troubles, it's 100% him and her... Nuts right? *sigh* Oh well I don't even know why he's really mad, and I don't know why she's mad, i just know that there was a lot of yelling on the phone, and a lot of immaturity, on both their parts.

Ahh well, we stayed home, so it's cool. I didn't really feel like getting out with my back the way it is anyway, and Eugene and I have spent the whole day together, I have had a great time. Since we were planning on going to family's house for christmas dinner, and did not have a bakcup plan ( that will never happen again) We just ordered a Christmas Eve Pizza LOL. I know I know It's nuts.

But even though it is nuts, I have really enjoyed this holiday with JUST Eugene.... we never have holidays with JUST US, not even when we were dating. this is the first Christmas in 6 years we have spent by ourselves. :)

Eugene went out and got his Christmas Present... mine was only a 150 dollar laptop, ( because I was all responsibile and paid off my car) But HE went out and got 8 dvds, and a 600 dollar surround sound system :P I don't begrudge him that system... because now I can get my Embroidery machine AND accessories GUILT FREE!! OH YES!!!! See link for my machine!

I did A LOT of research to find the one that would be right for me, and this is perfect for my beginnery self! <3 SO EXCITED!@!! Once I get it ( in about three weeks, after payday, and such) I will try it out and give you a review :) I think I'm going to pay for next day shipping though lol I don't trust ground shipping, takes too long and too much can happen to it!


  1. Okay....if you haven't noticed, I reading your blog backwards. lol I tend to do everything this way! Oh well! Sigh! Anyways, I'm glad that you and your hubby got that special time together but I'm sorry for the why behind it. I think we all have some dysfunction in our families, maybe just in a different way.

  2. Oh yeah! These days they snipe at each other a lot, I'm not sure why, but I know that they all love one another, just have to find a way to get them to get along! I will find that way eventually! <3
