Sunday, December 11, 2011

Trust, and Baking... not related topics

So yall I have been in a few relationships in my day, and I have to say that most of them were with terrible partners. I chose the ones that did not fit me at all because I felt that I didn't deserve the best.

That stopped being the case about 6 years ago when I met my Husband. :)

Eugene and I met when I was 18, I had been dating a guy who totally did not respect my boundaries. So when I met Eugene and I had that moment of " that's the man I am going to Marry" I was of course suspicious of myself! Who wouldn't be?

But he made me feel so great about myself. He stayed up all night texting with me, and he held me when I cried. He made me feel special, and at that time I was EXTREMELY vulnerable, having daddy issues, and all that stuff.

I never took advantage of that vulnerability, I think he was afraid to, to be honest, because he totally could have!

Well After about 4 months we decided to move in together, and we even got engaged, it was lovely! I was an engaged woman, at the age of 18!!! I wanted to set the date for that july! :P ( I was in a rush you see, no reason why, just the rush of youth I suppose) But that didn't happen, we decided to set the date for February 29th of 2008 ( that's right! Leap day!) So the years passed, and we got married, and have been married for NEARLY FOUR YEARS!! And yall, I have to say that I trust that man as much now as I did when we first got together.

I trust him not to hurt me on purpose, I trust him to apologize when he says the wrong thing, i trust him with my body, I trust him with my home, my dog, my car, my heart, everything. I trust him with EVERYTHING.

He is my man. I am his woman. That is the way it is. When he's sick, i feel it, when I'm sick, he feels it. When One of us is frustrated, the other feels it and USUALLY we try to alleviate the tension. When I'm in a bad mood he makes me laugh, when he's in a bad mood, I give him snuggles, and let him know that to me, he's the man! I even trust him enough to tell him my weight. We share in my disappointments, and my success, my daily struggles, and my weekly weigh ins, he has never made me feel unattractive, he has always loved me for who I am, inside and out.

So this is what I want to say on the matter of trust, If you do not trust your man, It's possible there is a reason for that. It is SOOO possible there is a reason for that. But if you start playing those headgames, to try to figure out if he's being honest, or if he's cheating on you, then you are the one who will end up getting hurt in the end.

You need to just have faith, or really good investigative skills :P.

Be honest with him, if you feel he's being distant, tell him his coldness is making you worry, tell him that you want to talk about things, that you want to make sure that everything is ok. I'm not saying you have to take responsibility if your man cheats on you, not at all, that's his deal. I am saying that you have to have an active role in each others lives, you have to keep it fresh, Marriage is not the death of a relationship, infact it's just the beginning of it! All that dating you did before? Keep it up!! Not saying you have to eat out all the time, I am saying keep making sure each other feels special!

Marriage is a joining of two lives, but it's a constant job to keep those two lives joined. It is sooo easy, to each go off to your own world and never talk. That's the death of a relationship.


If you don't tell your mate what you are thinking, then they won't know, then something will happen, a fight, or a tiff, or a slight, SOMETHING that will begin driving a wedge between you both, and then no one will be happy! :(

We all want to be happy! We all deserve to be happy! You deserve the sort of relationship where you feel comfortable talking about anything, from sex, to kids, to *BRING ME SOME TOILET PAPER* :) I hope each and everyone one of you gets that sort of relationship.

Someone who will stick by you through loss, and gain, who will love you even if you aren't fertile, who will love you even if you are a little chubby, who will love you even if you don't do the dishes and vacuum quite as often as you should. Who will indulge your crafty side, and just be there for you in general <3.

I hope that each and every one of you has a person to share your life with who treats you like this one day. and if you don't now, try working on teh communication, maybe that will bring it back to what it should be. If it doesn't then move on... <3.

Now on to baking!

Yall know I"m broke til payday ( BILLS = HATE lol)

So I'm on a budget this week of whatever is in my pantry and fridge....

So! I'm going ot make some brownies, for my chocolate fix, and some muffins for my breakfast needs, I have rice and beans for lunches, and Ramen, and peanutbutter and jelly for dinner! ( I know I know, gross right? Ramen, terrible for you, but I rarely eat dinner anyways)

I have 2 overly ripe bananas, so I'm going to make a big ol batch of muffin mix, and then I am going to section it out, because in the fridge I have some rasberries, and some blackberries. :)

I will have 1/4 of the mix Banana muffins, 1/4th of the mix rasberry muffins 1/4th of the mix black berry muffins, and 1/4th of the mix Cinnamon muffins!

Also I will be using whole wheat flour to make them!! OM NOM NOM!!! Need to make sure to make them wet enough! Whole wheat flour is much drier than regular white flour.

I will post pictures later, Actually I might even make a youtube video of the whole thing!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week! I know I will, because even if you are broke, if you have the person you love by your side, and a basic knowledge of how to cook from scratch in the kitchen, you can't go wrong!

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