Thursday, December 29, 2011


Alright yall I haven't been doing much lately, I herniated a disc on 12/23 and have just been sort of here, trying to work through the pain, and rehabilitate as soon as possible.

Thank goodness for my laptop!

I have still had to work, and can't take my pain pills because they make me HORRIBLY nauseated. but I took tomorrow off, so tonight is the last night of work for me this year ( heheheheh).

So on to the WOOOOOOHOOOOOO part of todays post!

My Christmas Present will be here tomorrow!!!! I got an Embroidery Machine! ( I also went ahead and got the embroidery thread kit to go with it) I am SO EXCITED!!! So woot! happy news for me :)

Anyone else have some happy news coming up?


  1. Hey Mikabelle! I'm so sorry about your back. I've had a bulging disk in the past and was crippled up for 2 or 3 weeks. It was horrible and terribly painful. I hope it gets better really soon. Hugs!

    I'm so jealous...I mean happy for you about your embroidery machine. lol No, really, I very excited for you. Can't wait to see what you do with that bad boy.

    I had a great Christmas, too. My hubby bought me an iPad. Very, very surprised! I've had a lot of fun playing with it. But more than anything, my family and I are healthy and together. That's what makes it so special.

    Blessings to you, my dear blogging friend! Penny

  2. That's wonderful Penny!! An ipad! So exciting!!

    I will definitely be posting pictures of the whole unwrapping and such process :) after I figure out how to use the thing I will be making monogrammed towels <3. Monogrammed towels! Me! having the Monogrammed Towels! *SQUEEEEEEE* lol

    Blessings to you as well Penny! I'm so glad to have a Blogging buddy <3
