Thursday, July 15, 2010

Swelling, scones, soda, AHHHHHHHH /rant

So I forgot that I wasn't drinking soda anymore til I was awake enough Via the Mountain dew to realize that I was drinking soda, and now I'm as swollen as a beach ball.

I made scones for breakfast and they are apparently really really good ( I shared with two guys who were here when I came in and got effusive praise) but I think there's a bit too much salt in them and that is attributing to the swelling up like a beach ball thing. Though I could be wrong and it could be all from the freaking soda.

I am back up to 297 pounds :( I think it's mostly water weight though, all this swelling is just not fair! I am not supposed to be this swollen before pregnancy, and I thought that the swelling part didn't even happen til later, with my first two I didn't swell at all, I figured it was because I was not far enough along.

Needless to say I am pretty miserable at the moment. IDK why swelling has to occur at all, and since it does occur, I see no reason why we should feel so uncomfortable about it. I think that puttin gus in skin was a great big joke, out kin is the most uncomfortable place to ever be in, we have to over it with clothes so it can't breath, we have to put lotion on it because we ingest so many chemicals that we dry it out, we torture it with plucking and shaving and waxing and lasers and tanning and microderm abrasion.

WHY? I wish we didn't have skin, or that we all took better care of it.

Speaking of skin, WHY is skin so sensitive? How can is feel soooo much? I mean everywhere?
And how can it hold us without bursting? I don't think it's fair that we fuck with our skin so much, it's like an abused pillow case the way we treat it.

Anyway, bloating is normal /sigh anyone who thinks bloating is normal should go drink salt water and tell me just how " normal" they feel.

though of course since the swelling is in my hands, the dr thinks it's also caused by high blood pressure.
I don't get it, I eat healthily enough, I work out, I drink so much freaking water, I should not have high blood pressure, that shouldn't happen at all, but for the last few times I've gone in, it's been considered high.

" what have you been doing differently" she asks me well doc, I've been having sex with the intent of getting pregnant, and it's not working! So yes I am a bit stressed out.

Then she says, Srah your Thyroid is swollen, I'm like ok so IDK what's up with that, I am pretty sure it goes along with not enough sleep though! so prescribe me sleep and I bet it will all go away.

stop taking my blood Doc, I need that to live.

Stop pinching my doc I might backhand you

stop telling me to stop stressing doc because THAT IS NOT HELPING.

Ugh.... ok so I guess I"m done for now since this is just a rant.

later sorry.


  1. Oh rant away when you need to... keeping it all in doesn't help the stress level either.

  2. Pffft you don't need all of your blood. General misconception. :P

  3. LMFAO!!!!! That's cute Heather <3
