Friday, July 30, 2010
OK!!! here is the "more" I was talking about
there is still a long long way to go, but for now, it looks like I actually started something and that makes me happy.
We have to go get the tags renewed and the inspection done, today, Eugene's lazy ass actually tried to make me go by myself, which sparked a whole nother conversation about how I cannot be expected to work 48+ hours a week, keep the whole house clean, save up for a new car,a nd take care of his tags and shit at the same damn time!
we will see how he reacts by what he actually does.
ok, I have stuff to do, will ttyl :)
It's been a long long successful week :)
I have managed to keep the house clean for the 4th week in a row, at least the rooms I'm responsible for, the bedroom, the master bath, the kitchen, the loft, and the patio, And today after work I am adding the living room to that list! :D
I am so proud of myself, I have been slowly adding rooms to my list over the last 4 weeks, once I get the living room added, I will be done, fully taking care of cleaning the whole house every day, and still working.
I have however not been so good at writing in my fertility journal, and I need to work on that. I think that I might be sleeping too much, I am going to try to wean myself down to 6 hour nights so that I can keep up with the house work and still have time for me, and still sleep effectively.
I just can't wait for the weekend to get here, I now live for my weekends, and I blame Overtime for that! I hate hate hate mandatory overtime, it sucks the soul out of me, makes me tired, and cranky!
Eugene is taking the next week off, so he said he would work on organizing the guest bedroom, unpacking some boxes and such, I hope he does that.
He is also going to get on Viagra PRAISE THE GODDESS, we will be having so much more sex now!!!! :D Man I am so happy that he is doing this! he asked me if it would even make a difference in my attitude, and I was just like... hmmm twice a month vs twice a day.. YES! I will be so much happier getting laid twice a day, or more!!! OMG more would be so fucking fantastic!!!!!
And it's just in time too, because now I will get all that wonderful beautiful amazing sex when we are trying to get pregnant!!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU GODDESS!!!!!
Can you tell I am excited about that?
Will write more later <3
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Fertility spread OMG!!!
Cards 2 thru 10 are laid out in a semi-circle, not a pyramid, but I couldn't really show that here.
Card 1: Conception
Cards 2-10: months 1-9 of pregnancy
Card 11: Labor/birth
Card 12: Will this be a multiple birth (i.e., twins)?
Card 13: What is the sex of the unborn child?
Card 14: Will the baby arrive on time?
A couple notes:
The gestational period roughly corresponds to nine solar months or ten lunar months. If you're a more lunar person, feel free to add a card for the 10th month.
I use my intuition to read one card yes/no either/or questions such as for cards 12-14. Please use any system that you are comfortable with. Clarification cards may be helpful here.
I did this last night and I will share here what I got.
1) death inverted = 13 required clarification questions and cards those were : does this mean three months? :King of Wands = yes, Does this mean september?: the star = yes
2-10 months 1-9 of pregnancy =
2)(month one) Queen of cups= the first month of knowing will be glorious, before the dr confirms the diagnosis
3) (month two) 5 of swords = it will feel like an intruder is in my tummy, making me sick as a dog
4) (month 3) 2 of swords: I find out it's twins
5) (months 4) The Fool = The absolute joy and abandonment of knowing I'm going to be the mother of two babies will set in, and I'll start really preparing, here I need to watch myself financially
6)(month 5) Justice= Balance, I will find Balance within me, in the form of motherhood, the knowledge of my babies coming to life.
7) ( Month 6) = Ace of Wands = Birth, required clarification questions, will they be born in june? yes, will they be healthy? yes
8) (Month 7) Queen of swords = Tired, Cranky, Swollen, Ready to get it over with
9) (Month 8) 7 of cups = imagination /dreams coming true= It's time!!!!
10) (month 9) 4 of Pentacles= Needs to get back to some sort of work soon! We will need the money
11) Chariot= Journeying into the unknown, New places ( mother hood, and working, and evolving)
12) = Will this be a multiple birth? = The Empress = yes
13) What will the sex be? = The Hierophant = need clarification = Both boys? = 10 of pentacles =no, 1 boy 1 girl = the lovers = yes, are you sure = the moon = yes
14) On time? yes.. at least cosmically lol.
Monday, July 26, 2010
been a few days, of hell, of happy, of love, of tears
Well Eugene asked me to cancel and plans I had already made, and not make any new ones, so I did, and that was nice, we had a weekend together, we went to see the sorcerer's apprentice, and had dinner at Olive Garden, I wrote out a grocery list, and we used it to shop, sadly my Walmart is undergoing construction, sot hat shopping trip was not as peaceful as I was hoping for.
But after the dinner and movie, I made the bed, and was cleaning up a bit, when Eugene said he was in the mood :D Finally! even though I'm still bleeding, we decided that it's been too fucking long since we have had sex, and we went for it :).
There were 9 flames going, 3 on each of the bed side tables, and 3 on the dresser. It was so beautiful!! :) We tried doing some different positions you know, but we ended up in doggie, that's his favorite, and I like it too as long as he comes quickly enough, if he doesn't it just starts to hurt.
So yeah, that was lovely, the weird thing though is this. While I was on my back during foreplay, I felt this terrible pressure sensation on my lower spine, like I felt when I was miscarrying. it made no sense, I turned over onto my side and it hurt a lot less. Not that it stopped entirely, but it lessened.
I got woken up today to hear the nurse on the line apologizing to me that I did not have hep b, that my chart got mixed up. I was so relieved.
It's been an interesting day.
I'm out, gotta go make lunch.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Plan!!!! :D :D :D
*take vitamins
*drink at least 64 oz of water
*do at least 25 squats (oh come on... you know you want a tight ass LOL)
that's the Plan outline I got from Laura today, and yes, she's right, I want a Tight ass, and a tight tummy, and great legs!!!! I Also wanted happy Hydrated skin, and a healthy happy Uterus!
So! This plan works for me :)
Laura is sweet enough to come to me in the mornings to do this walk!!
And she lent me one of her walking DVD's! :D YAY!! I'm also going to introduce her to p90x stretch one of these mornings, preferably a rainy morning. :)
I cannot WAIT to get started!!! Goddess I am so fucking lucky to have such amazing people in my life!!! who hold me accountable for my actions, with love. Who have the courage to tell me I'm being a bitch, who have the temerity to walk with me on this crazy journey we all call life!
Thanks Again My Beautiful ladies!!!!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Where I am, where I want to be.
Anyways, Where I am now is unhealthy, where I want to be, is healthy.
this morning after work Laura and I will start walking the Track around ACC, hoping that this time together will also help both our relationships, along with our health. :)
We KNOW it will help us commune with the Goddess more.
Where I want to be is Taking Pictures, taking pictures of my baby belly :) And Laura's too! That's where I want to be.
I want to commit to taking pictures every day of the belly, Mine I can Promise, and Laura and Heathers I can try for! We plan to get memberships at Planet Fitness, so we should be seeing each other every day when that happens, so that we can work out!
I also want to be at my goal weight within 2 years. It's a huge weight loss, so I am giving myself ample time.
And so, that's where I am and Where I want to be. :) Proud to take pictures of my glorious baby belly, proud of working out with two amazing women, who happen to also be amazing friends, and just fucking proud of being alive! <3
Thank you Goddess for putting the people in my life that I can help and Who can really help me! Thank you for the motivation and the knowledge!! <3
Ok, now I am ready to talk about all this stuff
Dr looked in there and was like well your uterus is beautiful, but there is a problem with your ovaries, it looks like you have PCOS, he is sending me for an ultrasound tomorrow, to see how bad.
Then he hits with, I also think that you have diabetes. And I'm like... What?
He then says that since I've been pregnant before he sees no reason as to why I can't get pregnant again, but that I could probably use some help.
He gave me a prescription for provera, and Clomid, so I start my first cycle on Provera in August, ( Towards teh end of august) I am timing it so that day 5 occurs in the first 5 days of september, so I will start taking the provera on August 28th :)
with Provera you start taking the meds, and you start bleeding 2 days later, then you will bleed for 2-7 days, I start counting the days on bleeding day number 1, and on bleeding day number 5 I start taking Clomid. and then start getting busy immediately, so I take Clomid in the mornings when I wake up and at night before bed, I am supposed to get it on like donkey kong. The Dr says he does not doubt the effectiveness of the drugs, and he is positive that it will not take more than 3 cycles for me to get pregnant.
So there is good news and bad news in there, good news I can have babies! Bad news, this is probably the only pregnancy that will occur, because there are so many issues down there.
it's ok, I just need to breath and stop my stressing.
Sadly it seems though that the PCOS is what is causing me to gain back the weight I lost, Starting wednesday morning( that is tomorrow) Laura and I will hang out, and walk. :) I am stoked, this I think will be a good thing for the both of us! walking early in the mornings is awesome, because the sun isn't out! :D
Thank you to Heather and Laura who put up with my shit constantly.
You guys RAWK!!!!
because I think we all want/need to know ;D,%202010&MsdVisit=1
Citing this, I just copy and pasted it :)
Don’t do this. Don't do that. With all the pregnancy "advice" out there, it's hard to know what to believe -- or whom to believe. But remember, every pregnancy is different, so follow your doctor's orders above anything else.
Myth 1: Eat three healthy meals a day
False! You should be eating six or seven small meals (every two to three hours). "Eating frequently and from various food groups will keep your blood sugar in a constant range, which is healthy for you and your baby," says Stuart Fischbein, M.D., coauthor of Fearless Pregnancy.Don't obsess about food and don't diet. What was good for you pre-pregnancy is good for you now. And yes, that includes an ice cream sundae with butterscotch sauce if you so desire.
> Daily nutrition checklist
Myth 2: Decaf only
False! One small cup of coffee a day is perfectly fine. While a recent study at McGill University in Montreal did find that the caffeine in two to three cups of coffee a day increases the risk of miscarriage, it did not consider how the coffee was brewed and the type of coffee used. Dr. Minkin points out that a French blend served black is much stronger than a weak cup of American coffee mixed with milk. It's another controversial subject for sure, but moderate caffeine intake isn't likely to harm you or your baby. The same goes for sodas with a caffeine jolt.
> Tips for decreasing intake
Myth 3: Cut out the cheese
False! Well, you don't have to cut all the cheeses. Some kinds, like cheddar and Swiss, are innocuous because they have been pasteurized. It's the soft, unpasteurized products like Brie, feta, and goat cheese that might carry food-borne illnesses. If you're lucky, the market you frequent will carry pasteurized versions -- just start looking at labels more often. And then you can still enjoy your crackers with cheese.
> Why calcium's key
Myth 4: You're eating for two
False! Pregnancy is not a time to pig out. You certainly have a bit more leeway when it comes to a second helping of supper, but on average women need only about 300 extra calories a day.
> Expert's eating guidelines
Myth 5: Say so long to seafood
False! Chances are that if the reputable (and tasty) sushi bar you love so much has not made you sick pre-pregnancy, you are not at risk when you are with-child. Yes, there is a greater risk of ingesting bad kinds of bacteria from raw foods (so you might feel more comfortable with a cooked-shrimp roll), but if you had spicy yellow fin before realizing you were pregnant, no harm done. The dangerous mercury levels, you ask?Again, it's all about moderation. Enjoy tuna on rye once a week, not daily. Not all fish are created equal. When perusing a menu, go with seafood with lower mercury levels, like salmon, shrimp, and tilapia.Unfortunately, swordfish and tilefish have the highest levels of mercury and should be skipped.
> More from Dr. Roman, recent studies & the FDA
Myth 6: You'll have to suffer through sickness
False! Many OTC meds are safe during pregnancy, but somehow women believe they need to put up with migraines and be a slave to the runs.Not so. You should consult your OB/GYN before you take anything, but many experts give the following drugs the green light: Tylenol for headaches and fever; Tums or Mylanta for heartburn; Imodium for diarrhea; Robitussin for colds; and Sudafed or Benadryl for allergies.Many prescription drugs are also okay to continue with during pregnancy, but again, follow your doctor's orders. Herbal supplements and teas are up in the air. Not much research has been done on their effects on fetuses. The kinds you buy in the grocery store are probably safe, but check with your doctor first. If you need to soothe your nerves and want to take the natural route, meditate or eat a piece of chocolate. We prefer the latter.
> Complete guide to OTC meds
Myth 7: They'll know you're not a natural blonde!
False! Being pregnant does not have to compromise your appearance (at least not above the belly), but you do need to be smart. Dr. Fischbein says that while there is a theoretical risk associated with coloring your hair (chemicals being absorbed through the scalp), studies have not shown anything conclusive. He recommends avoiding dye for at least the first trimester, when the baby's organs are forming. Relieve worries by opting for a natural vegetable dye over a semipermanent or permanent product, but Dr. Minkin still suggests checking them out with your doctor during the first trimester. Eggplant, anyone?
> Also: Why you're now a frizzball
Myth 8: Exercise is a no-no
False! Clear everything with your OB to be sure, but many docs say that keeping up with mild exercise is just fine. If your pregnancy is sans complications, low-impact workouts can be a great way to control your weight and prep for baby -- just be sure to avoid contact sports or exercises that involve lying on your back (this position can reduce blood flow to your brain and uterus).
> Exercise dos and don't during pregnancy
Myth 9: Manicures are out
False! You don't need to forgo weekly manis just because you want to be a mommy. "You would need massive and long-term exposure to the products before there was a chance of problems," says Dr. Fischbein. You might get a little nauseous from the fumes with your newfound sensitivity to odors, but if that's the case, make your appointments for less crowded times of the day. Still freaked out about what's in the nail polish itself? If you fear exposure to dibutyl phthalate, a much-debated ingredient in some polishes, look for brands that don't use the stuff like Urban Decay,L'Oreal Jet Set Nail Enamel, and Revlon Nail Enamel.
> Plus: spa safety
-– Alonna Friedman
Monday, July 19, 2010
Hurdles and hurdles and MORE hurdles.
I am so exhausted right now that I cannot right more, it's time for a long long long bath. night.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Strollers, Symptoms, time to chill. :)
I am adding that link because I promised Laura I would. LOL, if you have Twins, I recommend thgis one, it's got great reviews, and... really? it's amazing. :) <3
So Tomorrow I will make an appointment Dr. Nancy J. Eisen D.O. ( If you want to make an appointment with her call 512-901-4076, she's amazing about getting 1st time paitients in within the week! ;).
The reasons I am going to go see her is because since june 23, I have been having bloody discharge daily for a week at a time, then getting 1-9 days off and then back the blood comes.
I have learned that unless you have to use a pad or tampon to control the bleeding, then you aren't actually having a period, so I have been ovulating and not getting rid of the dead stuff for the last like two years.( this is so not good)
Symptoms - Swelling, consistent every day, including now actually damnit My least favorite thing in the world and it's occurring now. T-T
Pain on my right side, where I feel that my ovary is, it feels like it's going to rupture, oddly enough, really feels worse when I lie on my tummy, so I don't lie on my stomach too often.
The bleeding which we have already discussed.
Tender Breasts- My breasts are so tender, and my husband loves them, so I have to force myself not to flinch when he touches them without warning, which can happen several times a day, because he is really into just coming up and grabbing them.
Moodiness, or irritability, I have been soooo easily annoyed lately, I normally can at least tolerate stupid( unless i am driving) but now.. well lately it's been terrible.
Cleaning- I have been a cleaning fool, and i hate cleaning so I don't like this at all.
Negative pregnancy tests- all my hpt's are negative.
I am really worried about all of this because we are TTC, and I have never had regular cycles, even when I was younger, and weighed less.
I just don't know a lot about my body, and while I am using the materials mentioned in other blogs to help me learn, I'm afraid that I should have been tracking for years.
I'm thinking that Metformin( spelling) will help, so I'm going to ask her about getting that prescribed.
I'm just so lost.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Fertility Ritual with Laura and Heather
It wasn't like most rituals I am sure you have gone to, there was fire, there was water, there was earth, and there was wind, there was spirit and there were 3.
Three eager women, who want to have kiddos, and decided to get together to throw that energy out into the universe :).
We said 1 small prayer, as I think that asking multiple times FOR the same thing will get the universe mad at you, and then we proceeded to ask a TON of questions! LOLOLOL I swear we did two spreads( forgot to do one for me =/) and then spent an hour or more playing yes no with the tarot deck, and found out some amazing information, that I just don't feel like blogging about :).
I would like to say that I hope what the deck said about Laura and I comes to pass, because IMO that would be the most amazing thing ever, and I also hope that we three really do get to go through this all the way together, down to the L&D ward!!!!
Not to mention the not working thing, I really really want that to become a reality, because I just don't want to work after I become a mom, I want to take care of all of my Kids, Malachai included!
Can someone help me figure out where to find a CUTe double stroller please? In neutral colors! :D
And Some Lilo and Stitch decor :) I needs it!
I also am probably going to have to buy my Crib at least used, and bassinets as well, but I will not compromise, I will buy the stroller and car seats new. I will!
On a Side note, Side by side or back to back?( double strollers I mean)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Swelling, scones, soda, AHHHHHHHH /rant
I made scones for breakfast and they are apparently really really good ( I shared with two guys who were here when I came in and got effusive praise) but I think there's a bit too much salt in them and that is attributing to the swelling up like a beach ball thing. Though I could be wrong and it could be all from the freaking soda.
I am back up to 297 pounds :( I think it's mostly water weight though, all this swelling is just not fair! I am not supposed to be this swollen before pregnancy, and I thought that the swelling part didn't even happen til later, with my first two I didn't swell at all, I figured it was because I was not far enough along.
Needless to say I am pretty miserable at the moment. IDK why swelling has to occur at all, and since it does occur, I see no reason why we should feel so uncomfortable about it. I think that puttin gus in skin was a great big joke, out kin is the most uncomfortable place to ever be in, we have to over it with clothes so it can't breath, we have to put lotion on it because we ingest so many chemicals that we dry it out, we torture it with plucking and shaving and waxing and lasers and tanning and microderm abrasion.
WHY? I wish we didn't have skin, or that we all took better care of it.
Speaking of skin, WHY is skin so sensitive? How can is feel soooo much? I mean everywhere?
And how can it hold us without bursting? I don't think it's fair that we fuck with our skin so much, it's like an abused pillow case the way we treat it.
Anyway, bloating is normal /sigh anyone who thinks bloating is normal should go drink salt water and tell me just how " normal" they feel.
though of course since the swelling is in my hands, the dr thinks it's also caused by high blood pressure.
I don't get it, I eat healthily enough, I work out, I drink so much freaking water, I should not have high blood pressure, that shouldn't happen at all, but for the last few times I've gone in, it's been considered high.
" what have you been doing differently" she asks me well doc, I've been having sex with the intent of getting pregnant, and it's not working! So yes I am a bit stressed out.
Then she says, Srah your Thyroid is swollen, I'm like ok so IDK what's up with that, I am pretty sure it goes along with not enough sleep though! so prescribe me sleep and I bet it will all go away.
stop taking my blood Doc, I need that to live.
Stop pinching my doc I might backhand you
stop telling me to stop stressing doc because THAT IS NOT HELPING.
Ugh.... ok so I guess I"m done for now since this is just a rant.
later sorry.
7-15-2010 the blog of numbers :D
words cannot express how tired I am, and I could not tell you why I am so tired. I have no idea! I wish I did not feel this way, there are many things that I would like to do today, clean up the dogs area again, do another load of dishes, vacuum some more, And I would love to redo the car! I know I just did it yesterday but friday morning after work I plan to go jihad on it and make sure those carpets are clean. I will steam clean them multiple times if I need to, they need to be stain free!! luckily I won't have nearly as tough a time doing it since there is nothing else to pick up! I'm thinking that 2-3 passes with the steam cleaner ought to do it, it's not like it's expensive! it's 2.50 for 6 whole minutes of hot foam! and then of course you can scrub for as long as you need to :). I think it's a pretty great deal personally. So I will do that, and on sturday Eugene is planning to go get the car inspected. :) Then I will apply to get the tags renewed, Have to do that this month, because all our tags expire on the 31st. :( That makes me a sad panda, fucking government making me poor as fuck! Oh well, no use complaining, and I'm about to add to my lack of funds by getting a newer car LOL GG Sarah? Oh well we need tags, and we need a new car, so I'll just deal with it. :)
Speaking of a new car! As of this friday( that's tomorrow after work yall) I will have saved 1200 dollars towards the new car fund!!!! I am so excited I can barely contain myself, 1200 dollars in 6 week is impressive by my standards, since generally I can't save a damn thing. I am proud of myself, makes me think that maybe I've finally fucking grown up a little bit! took me long enough didn't it?!?! lol
I started the progesterone cream last night and continued it this morning, and will to it again tonight. i am hoping against hope that it works like it says it will. if it doesn't I will be heart broken,but as always willing to try whatever I need to, to get this done. :) I have a feeling that within the next four months Eugene and I will be sitting in the dr's office hearing that we are pregnant!!!!!
Speaking of feelings! I have been feeling all day as if I am on the cusp of something new and amazing, I was telling kelly today that I just can't shake the feeling that this next 6 months are going to be absolutely joyous. I think that I am right! I know Iknow, How can you be sure Sarah? What makes you feel that way Sarah? Are you going to say it's woman's intuition? Yes. it is, i can almost HEAR the laughter. I can olmost smell and feel the joy. I woke up this morning and you know what I smelled? I smelled the soft downy head of a freshly washed baby. I think this is a portent of things to come.
I have been tracking daily now :) It's been four days of bbt tracking, and let me tell you! I am a freak temperature wise!
I Did not get the chance to put my temperature on the first day of my period, because i did not sleep, however since then it has been PRETTY solid :) I had to actually make new numbers for my charts! They all start at 97 degrees and I am at 96 degrees!! So my temps are as follows : 97.7, 96.6, 96.4, 96.3! I mean ok, it's still considered normal, because I am still breathing, but I am strangely on the low end of the numbers temperature wise first thing in the morning! then by evening it's up to 97.7 on one day, or like today 98.1!! so Again it's CRAZY!
Today I want to remind everyone out there who is ttc to take care of yourselves, I mean it, soak in a nice bath, go get a pedicure, have your partner give you a massage. you deserve it, face it, you are preparing your body to harbor new life, and it takes and emotional and physical toll on your mind, body and spirit. Really and truly, take care of yourselves now because very soon, you will be taking care of a little one and have no time for little pleasures like a 3 hour long soak in the bath tub. :)
Something else i would like to bring up. SWELLING it's evil, the very DEVIL right now, I have swollen up every single night/day since I started taking those prenatals, if I eat 1 thing with salt in it up I swell, 1 soda, swollen. ugh! to combat this drink tons and tons of water! and have some sweet tea as well, it tastes better and it's better for you. Has less caffiene, so that you can drink more of the delicious stuff, and you can add yummy fruit flavors to it! I suggest adding rasberry flavoring to it, but that's just personal opinion, I think that iced rasberry tea, and iced mango tea are so delicious!!! if you find that you are lost without the fizziness that you love, try this:
3/4ths a glass of apple, orange, or grape juice 1/4th a glass of carobnated water, and voila! a spritzer!
if you aren't pregnant yet, and would like to celebrate without over indulging, I reccomend a mimosa, hich is orange juice and Champaigne mixed together to form utter deliciousness :)
I am not going to lie, and tell you that giving up soda will be easy, trust me, it will be the hardest thing you have ever had to do, however, it will be so worth it, when you can look into your newborns eyes and realize that what you gave up was NOTHING compared to what you have gained.
now lets talk about weird prepregnancy issues.
Laura and I are both experiencing some pretty strange issues, such as the swelling, and the nesting, and the wanting to stay at home more instead of going out. And wanting to work out more, to be in the best shape we can for Baby.
this is apparently NORMAl! aCCORDING TO MY DR( sWATI jADHAV) It's the Prenatals we are takign :) Who knew right? apparently prenatals simulate pregnancy in the body, so that you act and feel almost as if you were pregnant. I was both relieved and disappointed to hear this, As I would love to be pregnant right now, but it's not time yet. i have too much to do first. Like saving up the rest of the money for the car!
*groan* so every year Blizzard Entertainment gives us a christmas bonus, and profit sharing, as well as the possibility of an sugust profit sharing. I am really really really hoping that they give us profit sharing this august. that would put me so much closer to my new car!!!!!!! And it would give Eugene some money to play around with :) Which he needs, you know? he's such a good man, he deserves his toys!
Anyways, I think that is about it for me, I'm ready to get out of the tub :D I hope that everyone has a magical day :) And remember mr. Rogers as you go about your lives! MWAH!
~Sarah Elizabeth Simons Mom to be~
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
short luteal phase and how it's effecting me
What this means is that I have to start using Progesterone cream on my wrists, breast and inner thighs so that I can "goose" or timulate my hormone making parts into making what needs to be made :)
Luckily this stuff is pretty cheap so I can go today and grab some!
I have to say I am glad there is an easy answer to this fertility related problem <3
Just popping by to let you know!
Slso todays cleaning adventure was detailing our car :) the inside only I didn't have the time or inclinition to clean the outside! :P
I took it to the vaccume place and vaccummed, steam cleaned and re vaccummed! I think it looks great :) i threw away all the trash :D
Anyways I don't have much to say because I have so much to do, but I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Pain, reality, moving on
Every single one of these people have had a HUGE impact on my life, and I will never be as I was.
All of you have become like family to me, some closer than others. I will miss you, that's a given. But I will take what I have learned from you and continue to grow in my life.
Moving on, it's time to talk about this cycle stuff!
Finally I am over the period!!! TYVM!
It's officially day one of my cycle. :)now I can be sure to know when I ovulate!
Also... remembering to take my temp in the morning before I pee is so HARD! WTF! It should not be that hard! :( I have failed for the last two days in a row! So those temps are probably way off. But I did write in MISC box that I forgot, so I don't know what I can do about that.
We have been doing an hour of OT every day, so I think that might be the reason I am so freaking blah, my brain is just tired, and stopping isn't really an option, because next week, and the week after they have us on mandatory OT at the very least though I will have several amazing checks! :D
This check should be about 1332 before taxes( 98 hours) and it's the middle of the month check so the only bills I have to pay with it are the phone bill and pay Niki for my Dresser. therefore I am putting 6-7 in savings! giving it a minor boost :) I think that's a good thing, if we can afford to put more in savings we should, don't you think? Im also going to move my savings to an entirely new account, so that I don't overdraft from it, I think that's what happened before, even though I didn't get an over draft notice. I'm peeved about this, as I don't think I over drafted, but w/e. I will get it all set to rights ASAP! :D and bring that beautiful level of cash up to 1200-1300 bucks! all saved for the baby :D Again Car first, then saving for whatever else I have to have :) Stroller Crib, Rocker, Carseat, ETC
Ok I'm not making much sense in this post, so I think I will just save it.
I was thinking about my Grampa.. and it came to me!!
I know it's Probably weird that I already have my name picked out, but when you have been trying to get pregnant for two years , you have of time to think :) that's for a Boy though, because I just didn't know what to name a Boy, I know that If I have a Girl her name is going to be Melody Alexis Kya Simons; Melody because she will sing her own song, Alexis because of her Auntie Jess, and Kya for her Auntie Kyrie, :D
So that's a load off of my mind!! I'm sitting here early this morning, waiting to do some more laundry, happy that I can stay awake! Usually I am ready to do nothing but head to bed. :)
I am still tired, and My brain isn't working all that well, but meh.
today is the third day of my period :) I'm not sad about that, I am actually happy about it, as you know it's the best way to be able to track your cycles! :D
On a side note, HEATHER YOU BETTER BE TRACKING WOMAN!!!!! lol <3
Today i was good, I had fruit, and pb&j, and Rice Cakes, and fruit and nut bars, I also had a blueberry bmonster ( I LOVE THOSE SO MUCH) and popcorn, the pop corn was my treat, :).
It is time to do more laundry, So I will update more in a few minutes, I am leaving this here, as I think I will be back :)
Ok!! it's now 6:26 am, I was able to do start a load of laundry, and hangup all the other laundry in 15 minutes, now for fifteen more minutes of blogging :)
Basically I have been experiencing so strange symptoms, I get bursts of energy and the need to clean up followed by waves of fatigue! it is exhausting!! this has been going on all week, and it kinda sucks when I have to work but continually get dragged down into my exhaustion, It is confusing.
But regardless of that I am proud of myself for cleaning the house up as well as I have been. i mean in the last 2 days I've done three loads of laundry, 2 loads of dishes, pasked my lunch, gone grocery shoppingm hung up all my clothing, cleaned my room, vaccummed the bedroom and made decisions on what I need to get this weekend! I even scrubbed my tub, though it's now back to being stained purple by the hair LOL!!!
time to get up and do something, be back in 15 :)
Ok i was gone more than 15 minutes, got the old laundry in the dyer and started a new load in the washer, put the dishes in the dishwasher, and sliced 4 boxes of strawberries, put them in water, and added sugar. Tonight at work we are having pizza and strawberry shortcake( cake and strawberries provided by me) :) I'm excited!!!
Only thing that upsets me is that I asked the whole team 30 people if someone could bring in whipped cream and I was disappointed in the response... selfish prats.
Ok I am exhausted, time for bed. Hope all is well in everyone elses world MWAH!
Exhausted and getting sick :(
I will take Mucinex when I get home and slip into a nice warm bed. Hopefully that will be the last of that. Because I really hate being ill.
other than that I suppose I am well, cranky, crampy, achey. All in all I'm not having a great day, I am alive and breathing, so that's something I suppose. I just wish that I could do that and feel good too. Back pain, menstrual cramps, summer cold.. this adds up to a crappy day.
Work has been pretty laid back and easy, for which I am greatful, but I'm unhappy with a team mate, who is a mooch. I cannot stand a mooch, and he's OLDER than I am, and makes more! so tell me, why does he never have money for food?
*grumble Grumble Gumble* Basically since I can't say anything nice I'm going to be good and not say anything at all! *humph* To him anyways... >.> T-T laters
Monday, July 12, 2010
The end of a cycle, and the beginning of a new one!
While this cycle was met with a bit of annoyance, as I thought that I had already had my period, I am well able to understand and even accept that I am on my period now, in a way that I was not before.
This time it's not ovulatory bleeding, it's the shedding of the lining of my uterus. Which means, that in a few days, once this mess is all over, I can go back to charting my fertility.
I am really enjoying the charting, much as it seems silly, it's something that I can do easily, and it makes me happy to be able to figure out what my highs and lows are. especially since it will eventually assist me in detecting my fertile times, just 1.5 more months, and it will be time to make that baby happen!! I am so worried though, I have a long family history of " fertile Myrtles" and I have had two sucessful conceptions.. I just worry that I won't get pregnant as fast as I want to, and that I might not get pregnant at all.
What i would really love, would be to have twins! that would be so fantastic! I cannot even tell you how much my heart and soul longs for the dual evidence of Eugene and I's love for one another! he is going to be such a wonderful dad <3
And I'm hoping that I can be a good mom as well.
/sigh Ok well I'm in the middle of laundry,so I will write more at a later date, have a wonderful night. <3
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Brown or bloody Cervical Mucus.. reason to worry?
Why Is There Blood in My Cervical Mucus?
Cervical Mucus refers to a jelly-ish substance produced by a woman’s body during her monthly cycle. Cervical mucus resembles the white of an egg. Cervical mucus is an important part of conceiving. Cervical mucus protects sperm from the acidic content of the vagina. The acids in the vagina typically will stop sperm from moving an neutralize them. Cervical mucus provides a place for sperm to go where it can be protected from these acids. In addition, cervical mucus will help sperm to travel up the fallopian tubes into the uterus to find an egg. Finally, cervical mucus will often detect sperm that are abnormal and slow them down, keeping them from getting to the egg and causing conception.
It is not uncommon for a bit of old blood that is left over from your previous menstrual cycle to find its way into your cervical mucus. In other women, blood in the cervical mucus can be very common, and a sign that she bleeds just a little whenever she ovulates. Blood in the cervical mucus can also indicate a ruptured follicle. In more rare cases, blood in the cervical mucus can indicate trauma to the cervix, whether through an infection or even from sexual intercourse. Blood in your cervical mucus could also be implantation bleeding.
Implantation bleeding is a small amount of bleeding in the uterus that occurs when the egg implants into the uterus. A specific tissue, known as trophoblast, develops from the fertilized egg and it surrounds it. It is what attaches the egg to the inside of the uterus, and actually eats its way into the uterus. The trophoblast actually pulls the egg to the inside of the endometrium. Trophoblast even invades the mother’s blood vessels and diverts her blood to the fertilized egg. Sometimes, this blood will leak and this causes implantation bleeding. This implatation bleeding can show up in your cervical mucus.
In any case, blood in your cervical mucus is probably nothing to be worried about. If the bleeding is particularly heavy or doesn’t stop, you should contact your health care provider to make sure that the bleeding is not indicative of a larger problem.
What is cervical mucus?
There are many different types of vaginal discharges and cervical mucus is one of them. Cervical mucus plays an important role in conception or getting pregnant by allowing fertilization to occur at a time distant from intercourse. A woman’s cervical mucus changes throughout her menstrual cycle to reflect the hormonal fluctuations in her body.
More often than not, your cervical mucus is a clear indication of your reproductive health and provides vital clues to your fertility. You can check your cervical mucus using either your fingers or toilet paper. During most of your cycle, your cervical mucus forms a thick plug that prevents sperm from entering the uterus. Preceding the time of ovulation the mucus increases in volume, becomes thinner and more stretchy. The change in volume and texture of your cervical mucus is due to the increase in estrogen levels that accompanies ovulation.
Why does my cervical mucus have a brownish tinge to it?
If you notice a brownish tinge in your cervical mucus, relax; there is perhaps nothing to worry. Brownish tinge or discharge in cervical mucus is almost always old blood that did not leave the uterus during your last menstrual cycle. Sometimes a brown tinge can also be associated with ovulation. It might be related to a bleeding from a ruptured follicle. Occasionally when you see a brownish tinge in your cervical mucus, it can also be the result of trauma to the cervix. This could mean either an infection or something as simple as sexual intercourse.
Every once in a while, the brown discharge in cervical mucus can also be attributed to implantation, in which case you are pregnant. After ovulation a mature ovum, ready to be fertilized is released in the uterus. If this ovum encounters a good sperm and gets fertilized, it means the woman has conceived. When the fertilized ovum burrows into the uterine lining, some blood is often released and passed as brown discharge. Most women hardly notice it, but those who check mucus patterns are very aware of it.
So a brownish discharge in your cervical mucus could basically mean two things: either is because of ovulation or because of implantation. It is always a good idea to monitor your cervical mucus patterns. These are very useful when something like a brownish tinge appears in your discharges and you would like to track it down. Combined with basal body temperature monitoring, this can also be a great tool in predicting ovulation and planning pregnancies.
So Basically what all of this means to me is that I really AM on cycle day 10 now, and my mucus is normally like this ( Which is totally is btw, I monthly will have brown/bloody cm and til now I thought it was something to be really really worried about. this means that I have indeed started my period, and what I thought was a period before was really just ovulatory bleeding. YAY INFORMATION! I really wish they taught us more about our bodies in Health Class.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Cycle Day Nine... at least it should be >.>
So today I wanted to kinda touch base on the cycle and all that jazz, report what's up and give some interesting information... interesting to me at least, and probably to the other 2-3 TTC moms who read this :)
Yesterday( cycle day 8) I had some weird "break through bleeding" My cervical Mucus was just faintly bloody, which was odd,but the dr said not to worry about it, because lots of women have that problem, though let me tell you, he did seem shocked when I asked him abut cervical mucus! LOL that was too funny! However, it seems that he was wrong, because I just went to the bathroom and discovered that cycle day nine was really 1st day of my period. Either I have super short cycles, or I bleed far too often to be normal, or I have really really long cycles with break through bleeding. QQ
I am sure that you can understand my excitement! Finally being able to really figure out the days that I am most fertile! Who the hell knew your body told you so much? Though the fact that I"m not really as regular as I had hoped.. that is a bit depressing.
I have learned a TON of information from
and from and if you get no other books I recommend these two, the journal, so that you can chronicle your Journey and the book because of the Invaluable information inside of it!
From the Journal I have learned the value of really tracking your daily fertility, numbering the days, taking the vitamins, checking the cervical mucus, ( I have yet to actually do the basal body temperature thing, though I plan to start Really I do! :P) and keeping your mind on your ovaries, I have learned that this month I will ovulate from the right side of my body, though I normally ovulate from both follicles, and I know that because of a particular cramp I experienced.
I also know that my ovulation will begin eventually, and I might have a more " normal Cycle" than I first thought, which of course, is excellent :) When I say Normal, I do not mean 28 days, I mean that I am not an oddity because I have a longer cycle, like one of the ladies in the book TCOYF, who didn't ovulate til her 37th cycle day! EEEEGADS!
Anyways, on the interesting things I learned from Taking Charge of Your Fertility!
Your vagina is not a safe place for sperm. The Vagina is too acidic for the sperm to live very long, and they break down rather Quickly, which is where Cervical Mucus comes in. Cervical mucus, provides a "vehicle" for he sperm to reach the cervix safely, and then attempt to break into the egg. Semen is made up of sperm and fluid that will nourish the sperm on it's journey.
When the Sperm reaches the egg, they fight to get in, there is a hard protein shell around the egg to protect it from any old sperm fertilizing it.
Cervical mucus goes through what I suppose are best described as phases, I will describe them here
First remember that the first day of your cycle is the first day after your period, Just like the period is at the end of a sentence, so too is it at the end of your cycle.
Cycle day 1 is the same for everyone, on the first day of your cycle there is no mucus at all( though you may feel a slight dampness), and normally there won't be for 2-3 days after your period has ended.
After the "dry cycle" you will start to get mucus, it will flow like a trickle, since there isn't much, it will be sticky, or Crumbly, or rubbery/gummy. The next stage is the Creamy stage, this is the sage where you can really SEE the mucus, and it probably stains your black panties, it will be creamy, like yogurt, lotiony( think Jurgens) or Milky( more like a milk shakes consitency then actual milk though)
and Finally it will be eggwhite time! Here the mucus can be Slippery Clear and Stretchy, or it can me Slippery Streaked and Stretchy, or slippery and clear, but not very stretchy. THIS IS BABY MAKING TIME! AS soon as you start getting the slippery Mucus it's time to start having sex, once a day is what most dr's say, and they do get paid for this kind of thing, the best time, and I mean the absolutel best time to have sex is in the morning, after a full night of cool freedom the tetes are the perfect temperature to produce happy healthy sperm, and your cervix is at it's most relaxed. and willing to accept the sperm. :)
Now here is what I personally find the coolest, and it's hard to express in words. When you are not fertile, and you look at the cervical mucus under a slide, you see nothing butweird looking cells, kinda like with any mucus, right?
your fertile Cervical Mucus makes FERN PATTERNS. This is so freaking cool! It makes the patterns of LIFE! Ferns are gernally accepted as proof that Ground is fertile and will support a forest... so having that very same marker appear in our HUMAN bodies is.. PHENOMENAL and it simply makes my bond with the earth mother that much more... THERE, you know? This is science and spirituality coming together in one, absoultely amazing act.
Anyway, I am done :) Had a wonderful evening of Blogging, with a nice cup of rasberry mocha coffee, and ice water.
I'm going to go read some more now. Will update this baby later! :D
What a week!!!
I've tracked my cycle and it's cycle day 8 for me, today there is some bleeding, Im not sure why I've been having this problem so often, Wish I could figure it out.
My right wrist is numb IDK why but it's causing difficulty in tasks like writing, and even typing isn't as easy as usual. :( I think that working at a computer job really has ruined my ability to enjoy typing too much.
ok I gave myself a quick typing break a d most of the numbness went away :)
Anyways, Eugene and I have been talking more and more about babies and the date comes closer, and we are both really excited. He is worried though, he doesn't want me to be in pain, which is completely understandable and sweet. :) He's such a great husband.
I have to say I am one of the luckiest Women I know in my Choice of marriage Partner, I know that Heather and Barby and Jessica and Laura and Angel are all really super duper lucky as well. :D
We are smart women, only going for the men who really call to us! <3
Not sure whats gonna happen this weekend other than cleaning, that desperately needs to get done really.. I'm DESPERATE I HAVE GOT TO CLEAN this freaking mess upstairs! ugh! I think that if I get an actual TV stand and no longer ahve to use that little wooden desk I found on the side of the road that I will have an easier time of it, but as it stands now I have no place to put all my movies and games. :( Something needs to be done about this :)
I was thinking about putting shelves up on the wall.. Hrm... I might just do that I have the wood to do it with, just need brackets and screws. Hrmmmm Interesting....
anyways, I've chatted long enough about nothing much TTYL! <3
Friday, July 9, 2010
Today was a pretty great day! (cd7)
So today after weeks of searching, I finally found on the internet what I was looking for! the stroller that I want to purchase! ( Heather and I found it at Babies R us, and fell in love it's perfect) So we wanted to take a look, see if we could find it cheaper any where else, sadly we can't buy it new anywhere BUT babies r us and I refuse to buy it used. Anyways here it is, and I will have it regardless of price
(<-- adorable baby shoes I found)
Today I was on Darvocet and less than 4 hours of sleep, so I was exhausted, now, I'm swelling like a balloon, which is so uncomfortable, Florence says it's the prenatals, my body is getting ready to get pregnant by acting pregnant. :)
So tired, so this is short, Hope everyone has a fantastic day and that Eugene and I have a wonderful sleep! <3
Thursday, July 8, 2010
My day :)
I never cared what most of my family thought of me, or if they showed up to anything important, but with Angel it was different, because she is such a wonderful person, I really wanted her at my wedding, sadly I ruined that, and it didn't happen.
So today I went by their house, said Hi, and apologized, and I felt great about it! <3 She was very accepting, and that was lovely.
Before that however, I went to the dr, was told that my shoulder muscle had spasmed to the point that it could rip and I needed to take care of it immediately, I was given 2 pain killers and a muscle relaxer to help aid this. I haven't taken the muscle relaxer yet because apparently that makes you fall to sleep... pretty fast, but I am on Darvocet, that's good.
I didn't get home til 12:30 or 1, I was so exhausted I barely wrote in my fertility journal before I passed out on the bed, and then 5:30 came five minutes later! I swear, it seems that time speeds up when sleep is involved!
Anyways, that's about it, I'm at work waiting to clock in because I intended to do overtime, but I just couldn't, so I'm writing in my blog instead :D
prenatal check list :D
[ x ] Kick the pill (or any type of birth control)
[ ] Figure out when you’re ovulating
[ x ] Learn to record cervicalmucus texture
[ x ] Read up on conception and ovulation basics
[ x ] Potential daddies -- stayout of Jacuzzis
[ ] Consider charting basal body temperature
[ x ] Potential daddies -- trade in the briefs for boxers
[ x] Think about an ovulation predictor kit
[ x ] Have sex!
[ x ] Lose the lube
[ x ] Find the right position
[ x ] Spice it up in the bedroom
Diet & fitness
[ x ] Work on getting any weight problems under control
[ x ] If either of you smoke,quit
[ x] Get on prenatal vitamins
[ x ] Balance out your diet
[ x ] Get moving
[ x ] Start weaning yourself off alcohol
[ x] Begin limiting the lattes
[ x ] Scale back on extreme exercise
[ ] Decrease your stress
[ ] Get plenty of sleep
[ x] Potential daddies -- avoid cottonseed oils
Doctors, tests & checkups
[ ] Interview OB/GYNS <--- Working on this!@ :)
[ ] Schedule a preconception checkup
[ x ] Make a list of preconception checkup questions
[ x] Discuss your (and your partner’s) medical history with the doc
[ x ] Get immunized
[ x ] Visit the dentist
[ x] Talk to your doc about genetic testing
Money & Home
[ x ] Talk it out -- make sure you and your partner are on the same baby-making page
[ x ] Check your home for harsh chemicals and asbestos
[ x ] Check out your health insurance
[ x ] If you’re self-employed,apply for private disability
[ x ] Plan a baby budget <-- Working on that one too! :D
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Cycle Day 6!
I am less emotional, so that is good, I say this because of this thought I had the other night
"I have some weirdness going on that I just noticed as a trend with me, at the beginning of the month, I always get all emotional( right after my period, the beginning of my cycle is pretty emotional for some reason) like I feel bad for animals, and people, mainly animals, cooking food makes me sad, like cooking a lobster makes me want to cry. This will last until the 9th or 10th
Then from about the 11th through the 20th or 21st I will be pretty ambivalent, happy go lucky all the time, and hard to irritate
Then from about the21st through the end of the month I am one angry annoyed bitch….. it’s like I go though a whole maiden mother crone thing every month. It’s really really strange I think.
So yeah… Just kinda had that flash of insight about myself.. maybe women in general."
Excerpted from an e-mail I sent to my friend Heather.
And so it makes sense that today things start to look up a bit, I got only four hours of sleep /sigh, but at least I got SOME sleep.
Poor Eugene, he doesn't sleep well during the day, ever.
Shoulder is still pretty painful, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 8:30 to get it checked out again.
Found a pretty awesome post on someone's Facebook Status :
The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time,but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment
I thought that was wonderful :)
Also, Eugene and I had a Discussion about how he and I need to communicate better, and one of the things I asked him about was that when I ask him how he is, he tell me honestly, and then ask me how I am too, and this morning, he did it on his own! I said how'd you sleep honey? and he answered his usual, : like Shit" I apologized, cause it sucks to sleep like shit, and then.. MIRACLE, he asked me how I slept! I was so happy to be asked that Question, I hugged him :)It made me feel so appreciated since I had made him breakfast, and he actually asked me how I was doing for once.. :)
So basically today, even though I didn't get much sleep, and I'm exhausted, and my throat hurts and my nose is STUFFED because of allergies, will be a wonderful day, simply because I know that my Husband cares about me. :) <3
Ok! Almost time for work! WOOT WOOT!
What I've read/am reading to prepare myself for pregnancy, and what I'm doing as well.
So far I have read:
What NOT to name your Baby( very funny)
What to expect before you're expecting( wonderful book! It's amazing)
The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy( had me laughing and tearing up)
I am currently reading:
Meditations during pregnancy( beautiful)
Magical Beginnings, Enchanted lives, a holistic guide to pregnancy and Childbirth( very interesting)
From here to Maternity( interesting reading the man's perspective)
The baby Book ( makes me SOB when I read it, so I can only take small doses it's that good)
Taking Charge of your Fertility ( 10th anniversary edition, so interesting! color pictures, and explanations are awesome)
What to Expect when you're expecting
What i am using to track my fertility Journey?
The Fertility journal, a day to day Guide to Getting pregnant... I adore this journal, I've been having such fun with it!
What I have for when I am finally a Mommy, GO MOM trifold Planner it's awesome! Heather has one too :) it has tons of interesting things in it! :)
I am having so much FUN!
I take a prenatal with food every day, it's got 800 mg folic acid in it, and all the other stuff I need.
I workout 1-2 times a week
I plan and plan and plan saving 350 each paycheck for a new car, then saving for baby furniture.
I have found the crib, stroller/carseat combo, color scheme, and rocking chair that I want :) I am soooo prepared now! WOOOOT!! <3 also I'm going to breastfeed ^-^
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Running a 5k in 9 weeks!
Check out that Link and then tell me how cool it is! I'm starting this today after work, headed to the gym to figure this thing out :) I can't wait to start running, man! It's going ot be so awesome! I can already tell I will be breathing hard and sweating at first because I'm a wimp lol, but at least I'll be doing it!
One thing I would like to say to all of you is this: if you are working out, no matter HOW sweaty and out of breath you get, then I am proud of you. You are awesome! GO YOU!
Fertility Journal Entry cycle day 5
I never paid much attention to my cycles, and apparently I didn't pay much attention in health class either, I did not know you could only get pregnant at certain times of the month( that's embarrassing to admit) and I certainly didn't know anything about cervical mucous, I really really thought that I was just always aroused LOL. I didn't know a great many things, like the reason for the significant breast changes around PMS, or those lovely little things I called "messenger cramps" were really me ovulating. I never knew any of that. And by the way, those messenger cramps come on both sides every period, which means that I release two eggs at a time.. so if I'm lucky, they will both get fertilized and I will get blessed with twins ^-^ /hopeful sigh.
Eugen and I had a wonderful talk last night, he is terrified at the prospect of being a dad again, but he's a trooper, and so we can talk about it together, and make decisions. He actually brings it up from time to time now, which I find wonderful :D.
I can't believe it's true, but after loving each other and living together for four years, we are finally going to have a baby together! <3
Also, sorry to those of you who think I type too much, I am excited, and it's easier to update a blog with my excitement, than to try to find a friend willing to hear about my excitement one more time! LOL
Postiness just thoughts about things
Makes no sense to me.
Anyways, on to other things, I should have clocked in to do overtime, but I really did not feel like it so I didn't.
Went to the Gym with Heather on Sunday, and fucked up my shoulder, it's now in a sling, so I"m just waiting for that to heal.
Dyed my hair :D Heather helped me out and did it for me, because she is a sweetie pie! <3 you Heather!
it is currently Black and Blue and Purple and Red and Green. :) Love that. it turned out darker than I intended, but really.. it looks fantastic, so I'm not going to complain <3
Been trying to lose weight since February, and I've dropped 70 pounds, will be getting back to losing weight again as soon as my arm heals, though til then I think I will at least make use of the pool! <3 I love swimming!
anyways, I am pretty sure that you all will get sick of my posts rather quickly, as I can already tell that this will be a cathartic and lovely way to journal my fertility journey! YAY!
Baby on my mind
So, as some of you visiting might know, I've been wanting a baby for years, and have had two miscarriages in the last two years. It sometimes seems like I will never be able to be a mom, to have a child, and watch him grow into a young adult. But now... As of this year actually, that Dream of a Family will become realized.
Let me give you some background!
My name is Sarah Simons, and I am Married to my amazing Husband Eugene Simons, we sometimes fight, but we love each other unconditionally, and then there is my step son, who is the most amazing Step son in the world, his name is Malachai Simons, and I am so blessed to call him my son!
Eugene and I met when I was 18( 4 years ago) and I fell in love instantly, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was going to marry him, and so I did :) We had been together 2 years when we got married in 2008, February 29th 2008, we chose that date because it really represents us, we are eccentric and strange, and we loved the idea of getting married on that day.
we have been happily married for over two years now, and it's time to start our family, in September, we will start trying to conceive. Why September you ask? ecause I want to have been on prenatals vitmins for a full three months before I get pregnant again, to give myself the best chance of keeping this baby to term. Another Miscarriage would just kill me, the first one was expected, I mean most of them end that way, but the second one, when I was five months along... that one hurt really really badly, so I'm going to be prepared this time. There will be no oops! It will be fully planned from preconception to birth.
I have been reading so many books, finding out everything I can about conceptions, pregnancy, birth, and child rearing, I know that I can't really know what I'm getting myself into until I have that sweet baby in my arms, but I know that I can be as ready as possible.
I have a best friend, heather Holloway, who is on this journey with me. :) We both want to get pregnant within 3 months of each other. That way we can help each other out with the birth! I want her in the birthing room with me, :) She's such a wonderful woman, and... I'm blessed to know her, let alone have her in my circle of friends!
She just recently outed herself on Facebook, so I feel safe outing her here :) <3
Right now Eugene and I are saving 350 from each paycheck in order to save up enough money by january first 2011, to purchase a second vehicle, this vehicle should be baby safe in the extreme, so far we are looking at the Honda Element, or one of the Mazda Wagons. I'm leaning towards the element. lol It's the easiest to clean, Eugene laughinly calls it the rubber maid car.
Anyways, that's all I have to say for now, will try to write again soon. <3