Friday, January 28, 2011

Amazing what some sunshine will do for you!

So you all probably already know that I've been down and depressed the last few days, I think it had alot to do with the dreary weather, being back at work after a rockin vacation, and the drugs to kick start my period. It's been rough!

I've been crying alot, and getting angry for no reason, and Eugene doesn't even know how the hell to handle my behavior right now.

But today, was a beautiful balmy 66 degrees, Sunny, slightly windy, PERFECTION.

And I was out in it for HOURS! just driving around town , running errands. Had the windows down, the radio blaring katy perry's Firework, it was just a damn good day!

I'm very very happy to have had a day like this, I desperately needed it after the week I've put myself through! And it's FRIDAY!! how perfect is that?

and tomorrow, I'll be headed to Mom n Law's house to just spend the day :)

Happy times!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

this year for my birthday, I'm requesting something I need, and want!!!

Sew Essentials Quilter's Design Table : sewing furniture : sewing & quilting : Shop |

My birthday is in just a few weeks, and I have been working my Ass off with this quilting for the homeless project, but I've been doing all of my cutting and sewing, and pinning, on the floor!!!
Not having a sewing table is killing my back. So I'm asking my amazing hubby to get me this ultra cool, and inexpensive sewing.table! I M asking for this one because it has storage, and a cutting mat on it!!! Love!!
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

if you have nothing nice to say... blog about it?

So it's not that I'm not happy for all of my pregnant friends, Laura, Calleah, Sommer, Amber... and the list goes on.
Because I am, totally happy for them.

It's just that I'm really fucking depressed that I lost the baby, and it's so freaking hard to see themall so happy and blooming with their babies in side of them, while I"m here, wanting to be a mother, literally dying to be a mother, and I can't seem to.

I know it will happen when it's mean tto happen, but I would really really be appreciateive if is could happen in the next two months, I want to get pregnant and have a baby this year, I don't want to ahve any more miscarriages. I want to have children, and be a mommy so bad....

It hurts guys. it hurts so badly.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quilting for the Homeless of Austin

So I'm not sure if yall read my facebook, but I made it my new years resolution to begin quilting for the homeless.

In Austin Texas, there are thousands of homeless, it's an unfortunate fact that the economy right now is terrible.

I decided that I wanted to take something I loved, and turn it into a way to help those in need. And to do that, I am making quilts for the homeless.

I will take any donations of fabrics you have, because it is important to give back to the community.

if you would like to donate fabric, or money to buy fabric, please let me know, I will get with you! :D

Monday, January 10, 2011

Disposable vs cloth in the diaper war!

wow... this is an amazing service, and that is frakcing cheap!!! compared to how much you spend on actual diapers!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Everything happens for a reason

Saturday, January first 2011, I decided to venture out to Joanns. I got lost, which is odd since I go there l the time. I turned on my trusty gps, and searched for Joanna confident that I would be at my store within minutes. About 30 minutes later I has to stop for gas, right where the gps had led me to Joanns. There was no fabric store there. Well, I had seen a psychic shops I drown down, maybe I'd stop in there, and see what she has to say . I went and got my money, and paid her to read both my palms. She told ne that I came from a bad place, and a good place. And that I had a very long life to live. Thatbibwas married to a wonderful man, who o had doubts about, she put them to rest, saying that he Is 100% loyal to me. That es going to go up in my business, that I have 1 step son, and that u would be the birth mother to Two more. and that I should .not be surprised with twins. And that Eugene and I would go on aong journey together, that it was time for me to carry his children. And that these babies will make Eugene and I content, blissfully happy. The end :).

There was more, but I couldn't remember what she.said.

Good reading. I'm going back with a full Tarot spread, and I'm bringing Crystal with me! Yay!!!!!!!!!
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Monday, January 3, 2011

why am undo Damn tired?

I got the thought into my head thY I should liberate.. and so one been sleeping like a pregnant woman. Ugh lol
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lol @ Misty's place l Christmas night

Yeah.... this was before we started on the tequila. :o)
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