Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cycle day 29... * YAWN*

I slept from 4:30 to 2:15, woke up quite a few times, but forced myself back to sleep, and I"m just exhausted.

I cannot do that gym after work thing, I"m just too tired for it, I will have to do it before work only. Which will be hard on mondays, but I will start doing it on tuesdays and slowly work my way up.

I can feel the haze of sleep hovering over me, waiting to attack! :P I think todays lunch will be nap time in the quiet room, because man I"m just exhausted!( yes I know I got approximately 9.5 hours of sleep, but it was interrupted to much it may as well have been two hours!)

still no sign of the dreaded period, so that's a happy experience! I'm hoping that my test on the 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, or 15th shows positive results. :D

Eugene woke up when I got home last night,a nd he was pretty grumpy, I tried to get him to just take a muscle relaxer and pass out, but he didn't want to, so whatever., He cut his hair and trimmed his beard, by that time it was 4 and I just couldn't stay awake to wait for him to be with me anymore, so I said fuck it and went to bed.

have I mentioned that i"m ready to curl up in a ball and sleep?

anyways, took a nice hot shower today, that was nice, but a cold one may have woken me up more. might be splashing water on my face as the night goes on.

I'm actually eating breakfast! YAY cereal and yogurt.

I had mac n cheese for dinner last night and my body was like oh fuck you bitch, you do not eat dinner! *sigh* so now my tummy has changed from sick in just the mornings to sick in the mornings and evenings.. which admittedly are swapped for me, but still!

ok I ahve to get to work, brought my what to eat when you're expecting book with me to take notes on my breaks for the other blog


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