Monday, September 6, 2010

Baby dancing the weekend away

I love saying that :) We started out the weekend in a fight, but ended the weekend snuggling, and that's awesome!

we only had sex twice, but I"m ok with that, the first time was.. um.. well it was good, and I thought really good until the next bout.. :). but the second time? HOLY FREAKING CRAP! that was the sweetest, most amazing, beautiful sex ever. And after we made love, he went downstairs to cook me breakfast tacos. :) I put my butt up, as it says to do in every fertility book I have read, and waited to pee until 30 minutes after sex. I tried to wait longer, but there was no way I could hold it lol.

I can't even describe how sexy I felt, I had gone upstairs to take a bath and wait for him to come to me, ( He was playing star craft 2) and I fell asleep, and the wonderful man woke me up! :D I was really proud of him. ... it was worth the wake up call!! I went back to bed by 8:30. :)

so in between these two lovely events, I got to see Heather and Laura, and I learned how to make the beginning of a hat, but since I"m not entirely sure what to do from now I've started decreasing my rounds, hoping that's the right path. :)

oooo I ate three baby carrots today! and I can't eat any more of them, my tummy is like OMG EWWW GROSS! lol so is my palette, but I"m proud that I ate that many. :)

we went grocery shopping together, and had a good time actually :) Eugene found Iron man on blue ray for 20 bucks, so we got it, watched it, and it was awesome :D Now I really want to see iron man 2!!!

When we bought groceries, I kept the what to eat when you're expecting food guide in mind and shopped thoughtfully, with an eye on the labels, and was really proud of my haul!

I got calcium fortified oj
Fat free milk
2% chocolate milk ( Yum yum yum)
whole wheat oat flour cereal( labels prove it!)
and much much more in the realm of healthy food, that I can't remember right now, but wrote down earlier at home, so I can do a blog dedicated to it. :)

the trick I have found is to get the stuff that's good for you, that you know you will eat, and still get one or two of the items that you really want, like my bluecorn tortilla chips( good source of lycopene btw!) and french onion dip ( Calcium anyone?) that may help you get your daily dozen :)

well I hope that was informative, and I'll blog again later

oh btw 3 weeks.. and I'll take a test that is September 27th!!!!