Thursday, September 23, 2010

How I'm feeling on cycle day 17....

I'm feeling incredibly nauseated, that's how I'm feeling, and I can't even blame this on the met formin, because the nausea always subsides by lunch and I take the met formin right at lunch. and within 20 minutes I"m sick to my stomach again, but that only lasts a few hours. It goes away in time for me to go home, work out, shower and get to bed, but it always comes back with a vengence in teh morning, I have to coach myself out of bed slowly, and get to the bathroom before I puke, if I'm able to puke, When I DO puke I feel GREAT the rest of the day, but sadly, I haven't been able to as often as I'd like ( Which sounds totally counter intuitive since no one should really WANT to puke, but it brings relief until I take the metformin again) So I have to deal with nausea more often than not.

Emotional Ninjas continue to creep up on me, not really anger so much as differeing wildly between insanely happy, and bursting into tears at the faint memory of having a child in my arms in a past life. ... I can remember it :) It's beautiful... Can't wait to have it again.

yeah it's weird, September took sooooooooooo long to get here and now it's almost over! I'm shocked! But that means that I'm that much closer to my dr's appointment about the pregnancy, I am still hoping that I am pregnant, but have decided that if I'm not, aside from the wild crying that we all know will ensue, I will be ok with waiting to try again next month. Maybe I"ll get lucky. maybe I won't. But I won't stop trying!! :D


  1. I am hoping as well. I know how much you want this but you are on the right track. You are in a better position that you have in the past. You quit smoking, you have lost 75 pounds, you are in a more honest/loving/responsible stage of your relationship, and you are consciously preparing for the best and to some extent the worse. In the past, you wanted it but you had not really prepared. I truly feel that you will have a baby naturally and that things will work out for the best. If not, there are a LOT of babies that need homes and parents that will accept and love them for every speck of worth left in them. You have so much maternal desire in you and one way or another, it is going to happen - just go with the flow. I love your face! <3

  2. It sounds like morning sickness... and of course i'm hoping and praying that you are... but i'm glad that we can both say "oh well, maybe next month" (after a huge heap of tears, that is). One day you'll get there. And every month that passes gives you another month to prepare- physically, emotionally, and financially. I'm so proud of you and glad to have you by my side as we go through this together. Luv ya! :)
