Sunday, December 18, 2011

5 wines, and how I feel they taste

Blue Bottle Moscato D'asti 7.99 from walmart- Delicious Melony flavor, soooo tasty! sweet and crisp, with none of the almost rotten aftertaste you get with some white wines.

Il vinoDell'Amore Petalo Moscato Bottega(NO YEAR)- Has that rotten aftertaste, but it's so good on the front I will forgive it. It tastes like flowers, not as fruity,has a HINT of apricot and peach, but overall very very floral. :)

Cavit Collection Moscato ( 2010)- This wine is Delicious, you can taste the rich almost meatiness of the Apricot right away, it's got a bit of fizz to it as well, Definitely one of my favorites thus far :) No Rotten Aftertaste at all, which is a HUGE plus in my Opinion, some people like that overly sweet aftertaste, I just don't go for it. This Moscato has so many layers that it's hard to describe them all, but I will try. First you have the delicious grapes, they must have been picked at the peak of perfection, the tangy and sweet meld so well on your tongue it is so good. Then we will move on to the peach. Most peach flavors are overpowering to say the least, they just take over the wine, not so in this wine, I think they used a White peach, which has a much more delicate flavor to it. now lets move on to the Apricots. Normally when you get a wine that has elements of Apricot in it, you have a lot of sulfur ( Which can give you headaches, and makes for a strange after flavor) This Apricot has no sulfur flavor at all, it's rich, meaty, and bold. Most definitely one of my favorites. I will look up the price later, but I found it at our Local Grocery store (HEB) for under 10 dollars.

Barefoot Moscato( no year) This is a medium wine.. not great, but not bad, and since you get like a gallon for 9 bucks I'd say that for the price, it's a good wine. It is not really a moscato, as Moscatos are more dessert wines, but it is a semi sweet white wine.... has a hard taste to it, I would say that it is best served with something like fried cheese, or french fries... something greasy. ( That's not a put down though, I think it's great that we now have a wine we can drink with a greasy food) though let me just say, upon further investigation, This wine is EXCELLENT in red sauce :)

Alice White Lexia Moscato South Eastern Australian wine... what can I say about this monstrosity? It tastes HORRID and I had to finish teh bottle as quickly as possible while intoxicated so that I wouldn't have to drink it sober.... Yeah it's that bad, maybe it's just the year (2010) but it is terrible. There is no fruity flavor, all I can taste is the alcohol... I am very disappointed.

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