Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hope, and the eternal spring it wells from.. :)

So Laura is Pregnant, Calleah is Pregnant, and I'm going to get pregnant this weekend.

I know I know, you all are thinking, "Sarah don't get your Hopes up, if it doesn't happen you'll be crushed, remember October?" Well My answer to you is yes, I remember October, I was crushed, but I'm more prepared now. and I have some advice on where to buy my "water" haha!

I found out that Calleah was Pregnant yesterday, and I was stoked for her, I asked her where she was getting whatever water she was drinking, and she laughed and said the liquor store. :)

So this weekend, I'm getting Eugene and myself really really drunk, and on sunday we are going to make a baby. :D

I know that's a bold statement to make, but you have no idea how serious I am about this.

Hope is what I'm living on, hope that I will indeed get the gift I've been waiting on.

Hope that I WILL get my Children. :)

Laura and Calleah, and Heather and I will all have babies within months of each other. We will all be amazing mothers, and we will all cherish the gift.

What I want to pass on the most to my children is that Hope is about believing with your heart that you will get what you wish for. :) Hope is about knowing the odds and wishing on the stars anyway. It's about understanding that Medicine, and Logic are not the answers to everything.

I am Hopeful.

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