Monday, November 1, 2010

I need a pitcher of margeritas

So today as you know is day two of the provera.

I have decided that saturday night will be my last lushy night, I would LOVE for some friends to come over and celebrate it with me, but Laura works, Heather works, Amanda may or m ay not be able to come, and Misty will be out of town. That's ok, I've decided that if all else fails, I'm going to just drink alone!

At this point I just don't care, as long as I get a drink.

I had such a long hard week, it was beautiful, and I loved every minute that I got to spend with my family, but it also broke my heart.

Gary went in for Chemo on Monday, and the next day, Aunt Cindy noticed he looked yellow in the eyes, told the dr and he's got raised billium levels, he's jaundiced basically. So they give him an ultrasound of the liver, and find trouble, so they pet scan him to get a better view.....

he's got more tumors growing.

He was hit so hard by that, I think it just took his energy away from him.

I know he's struggling to believe in his own healing. So I am going to believe even harder for him.he will make it, and he will be whole again. :)

He will be there to hold his grand children, and walk my sisters down the aisle, and be apart of their whole life. He will. :) I just know it!

Anyways, I was busy trying to be as helpful as I could for them while I Was there, and I think that I did a good job, I hope I was able to be a blessing to them.

by now I am sure you can see why I need a drink, not to mention the freaking drive there and back... which is horrendous btw, absolutely horrendous! I think it's time for Sarah to get her drink on. I haven't had a drink in months, haven't wanted to chance it, but since this is cycle two of provera, and I'm on day 2 of it, i am absolutely positive that I am not pregnant. Therefore it's ok, this once to relax just a bit. And get drunk. :)

My wish is that I get pregnant this month,and give birth in July or August. To healthy baby(ies)I think I deserve that much. :)

Ok my lunch is nearly over, and my pills ahve been downed, and my head feels a bit better now that i've gotten the awful news out of the way.

1 comment:

  1. I would come over but work... damnit :( I would totally rock out with you. <3
