Monday, May 2, 2011

Going Green... What does it really mean to me?

So I've been loooking into how to create my own cloth diapers, I still haven't found any tutorials on how to create your own, but I"ll find one, one of these days!

What I have been doing myself, NOW is creating my own cloth diaper wipes, It will cost me a little more time, and a little more effort, but it will be better for the environment ( not gonna have thousands of disposable wipes in the land fill decomposing) And it's good for baby's bum, apparently, disposable wipes can cause severe diaper rash, as can disposable diapers. And that's something I don't want my baby to have to deal with :(

So what I've been doing is taking 8.5x8.5 inch square pieces of flannel left over from other projects and making them into wipes. Take two of contrasting, or complimenting colors, and put them right sides together, then sew around the edge almost all the way around, leave 2-3 inches un sewn on the last side, and pull the inside out of the wipe. :) Make sure to run your finger nail, or a dowel rod ( Or if you are careful, your scissors) alopng the edges, making sure to poke into the corners as well, to make sure that the cloth stays squarish.

Then close the open few inches on the outside. To cover that up, as well as assist the cloth wipes in holding their shape after use and washing, turn your needle position to a zig zag patter, and go around the entire wipe. Trust me, you weill be much happier with the look once you do.

If any of you out there know of how to make cloth diapers please do comment a link, or the instructions, and include the best type of fabric for the diapers, and the inserts. Thank you all! Hope to make these wipes something that everyone uses one day :)

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