Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Various and Sundry thoughts and rambles

So I kicked butt at work tonight, Getting 96 issues done, some of you will understand what an extraordinary night this was for me :) Getting that many issues done is HARD and rewarding!

Sadly though I am on my period, I never like my periods because they tend to last a LONG time, like weeks. And it's painful and gross. My uterus is made of freaking steal though, strongest muscle in my body LOL.

I came home today and realized that my kitchen was trashed, it was all nice and shiny clean on new years eve, but making baklava and other things in there... well you'd probably be shocked by how many dishes two people can use! It's nuts! And I am tired, but I decided that my Husband deserved to come home to a clean Kitchen. he deserves to come home to a clean house too, but lets not get crazy ;). So I"m doing the dishes ( First load is in the dishwasher, I'll load another after it's done, clean the counters and stove and get my booty to bed, where it belongs this time of the month!)

I am sad that I still have not used my Embroidery machine, but to be honest I have just not had the energy to mess with it.

I'm watching the news, and there are some seriously ORANGE men on there... running for the Iowa Caucus or whatever it's called. One thing I will say about this years Campaigning, it's not turning out the way anyone thought it would!

( I'm going to vote for Ron Paul, hate all you want, I think Marijuana should be legalized and TAXED TO DEATH, all these drug dealers are making 120 for an eighth of the good stuff, WHY isn't the government in on this?)

I wish there were more hours in the day, so that I could keep the house spic n span, and work, and still get sleep, and have some me time to sit at my sewing machine, *sigh*

Oh I went and checked out my credit report ( and my score is actually 587, and I have about 4.5k in debt that I need to pay off this year, since the car is paid off that will be INCREDIBLY easy, I am going to pay off the smaller debts first, then move on to the bigger ones. Mainly just want to get it under control. I'm leaving all the medical debt for last ( that's only about 1300) and paying off everything else as soon as I can. I thought I was in a lot more debt than this, so I'm totally happy with the amount! after I pay off all my debt, my credit score will improve DRASTICALLY then I can look into getting a credit card or two and building it right back up, getting loans from the bank and paying them back over time as well. Since my Surgery means that I can't get pregnant for 18 months ( after surgery) I plan to use every one of those months to get Eugene and I Fiscally Solvent, and ready to purchase a house and settle in to start our family!!

I called Charles Schwab today and have an appointment to speak with a financial advisor on February 6th to start my 401k, So I am seriously planning for my future. I want to be able to retire at 65 with enough money to see Eugene and I through comfortably. And if I'm going to do that I need to start now! I know I'm only 23, but in one month I will be 24, and this is the rest of my life I'm planning here. I got to have my stupid years, luckily I was in the sheltering arms of an amazing man during that time, now I have to put aside my stupidity, and become a true helpmate for Eugene. I have to take on the role of Woman of the house, and take it seriously, this isn't play. If I want him to live for a good long time I have to make life as stress free as possible :D So I am! <3

Anyways, this was a lot of chit chat, but hey,. it's my diary, that's what it's here for.



  1. You're a good woman! I'm sure your honey wants to do the same thing for you, too. And boy, I wish I was as wise as you when I was your age. All the silly mistakes that would have been missed! Arg! I'm proud of you and for thinking ahead. It's not silly or's soooo smart!

    Hey, I wanted to tell you that I went to see my ob/gyn today and he said kind of, sort of, well, in a round abouts way..what you said about hormones and fat cells. He had 2 different theories of what may be going on. I won't give tons of details on your comments area but I will say that he thinks I'm producing very little estrogen and a whole bunch of testosterone. I'll have to type a post with all the details. Anyways, he didn't leave it at that. He took some blood and pee. I'm scheduled for a sonogram next week to check for cyst on my ovaries and he prescribed me something for my mood swings. He said I'd have to tough this out for about the next 3 months until I stop losing. I'll manage I suppose. I'm just glad he didn't think anything horrible was wrong with me. :)

    Hey, I know your going down sizes in clothing. If your interested, I wouldn't mind mailing you clothing if you didn't mind paying for shipping. If not, that's okay too....just wanted to offer it. Let me know.

    Have a great day! Penny

  2. Hey Penny!! Sounds like what my gyno before he said * you have pcos* its going to be ok though :). Even with the mood swings and the breakthrough bleeding, it will ne ok <3 and, if it does turn out to be pcos, it will still be ol, lots of women lead healthy lives with it! I am glad the gyno is on top of it though!

    And thanks for the.compliments!! I just feel that I need to make sure our future is taken care of any way that I can. As for the kitchen, I know I hate it when I walk in and it is a less, sp I'm sure he does too!

    And I would sp be down for paying for shipping! Let me know how much the shipping will be and I will send it to you on payday!

  3. Wonderful! Send me your email via my email and I will send you some sizes and etc. You may not want all of everything. My email address is

    I've got an eye appointment I'm about to leave for but I will try to get back to you tonight...if not, tomorrow for sure. Talk to you soon! :)
