Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Keeping it close to my heart

The last few days I've been keeping this close to my heart, not been getting too excited or anything, trying to just be as chill as I can, and not get excited over what may be nothing.

So I did bleed on march third, and it was about a medium flow, but after 6 hours, it stopped completely.

I called my dr, told the nurse what happened, and she said that it could have been implantation bleeding, but that I shouldn't get my hopes up too much, She told me to wait until thursday, or friday, of this week ( That's just a few days yall) and take another home pregnancy test.

That's what I'm going to do. I HAven't had any more blood, a little bit of cramping, but nothing serious, you know?

So I'm very very very hopeful, but cautiously so, I want to make sure that I don't get so excited that I'm crushed again. That's the tricky thing about hope, it hurts when it doesn't work out.

We will see how it goes.

However, should I actually be pregnant right now, I am 5 weeks and 1 day ( The baby is only 3 weeks and 1 day, but they start it from your LMP, not conception) That makes maybe baby as big as an orange seed, last week he/she was only as big as a poppy seed! WOW what a growth spurt!

So this is me not getting excited... I so fail at this, haha.

I'm trying

Pray for me please <3

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